This chapter starts by showing Dr. Manhattan and
Laurie touring the devastation of New York City caused by Ozymandias'
teleported alien. When Laurie can't take it anymore Dr. Manhattan teleports
them to the South Pole to follow a trail of tachyons that he senses will lead
them to the source of the devastation. Meanwhile Ozymandias is explaining in
detail to Rorschach and Night Owl that he was the one who caused the disaster.
Ozymandias explains that in order to save humanity from self-destruction he
created an alien monster by cloning the brain of a powerful psychic, and had it
genetically engineered to be much bigger and more powerful. He programmed
horrifying images of aliens into the brain, so that the metal transmission
given off after its death would force all the people who survived the initial
attack to unit in fear. After seeing all the news stations covering this
disaster, Ozymandias revels in 'victory'. He then convinces the others that
exposing him as the cause of the disaster would push humanity back into its
path of self-destruction. Everyone except Rorschach agrees to keep it a secret
which causes Dr. Manhattan to kill him. After that Laurie and Dan create new
identities and visit Laurie's mom. She tells her that she knows who her real father
is, but she understands why she did it and she isn’t mad. Rorschach's journal
is also possibly picked up to be read by the newspaper he sent it to.
Character Analysis
He is a well-rounded person, he is the smartest
person in the world, very athletic, and also a successful business man. He lied
about how smart he was throughout his childhood, getting only averages grades
so that his teacher didn’t think he was cheating. He inherited his family’s
fortune at the age of 17 after his parents suddenly died in a car accident. He
gave it all away to charity to prove he could become successful on his own. He
travelled through the Mediterranean, following in his idols – Alexander the
Great’s- footsteps. Once he returned to the United States he became a successful
businessman. He is shown to be a ruthless and master strategist, and in this
chapter you see this side of him and find out that he is cause of half of New
York being dead.
Page Analysis
The page that stuck out the most for us would be page 6. Since up till now, they hadn’t fully shown what the monster actually looked like. And Dave Gibbons did a fantastic job of really making the monster look disgusting. As well as there’s also a lot of hidden symbols within the panel. Like the “War?” newspapers, referring to possible wars that may be coming even after the alien attack. As well as on the side of the News building there is another War sign of a GWAR sign that’s missing the G. Another Ironic symbol is the Tales of the Black Freighter book flying in the wind, and we can see the back cover of it. And it says “The Veidt Method”, “I will give you bodies beyond your wildest imaginings”. What’s meant to be a body building sort of ad is into a quite literal meaning of bodies everywhere. As well as the OR ALL DIE on the building underneath the monster. And of course the 5 Minutes till midnight, smiley button on the ground with the blood splatter. Another thing we noticed was that the colours were all different shades of purple mixed in with other colours, not only just in this panel but the whole issue goes on like this. As well as if you look at some of the other pages in this chapter you’ll see that purple is a repeated colour. We think it may be symbolizing Ozymandias as a prominent character in this chapter as purple is a colour he’s often associated with, and is also the colour he usually dresses in. So, Dave Gibbon’s attention to detail and great illustrations, with all the different messages that’s been put in, make this a significant and very interesting stand out page in the book.
& Love

(At Midnight)
The clock set at midnight is an obvious one.
Basically meaning that the apocalypse that’s been counting down over the last
couple of chapters has finally happened.
When you first look at it, it just seems like an
ordinary movie ticket. But, after further research we came to realize that the
ticket number 3265 actually stood for a date.
March 2nd, 1965. It was the day Operation Rolling Thunder
commenced, a military operation in which the US dropped countless amounts of
bombs and gas all over North Korea. For which the US justifies as an attempt to
save North Korea from the communists by weakening their military, with the use
of more than double the amount of bombs used by all countries in WWII combined.
Similarly relating to Ozymandias plan of using a nuclear explosion on Manhattan
to destroy the whole city, at an attempt of unifying the world. Two different
intentions but same methods. This ticket may also be referring to something
that may be approaching, possibly another war.
/ Krystalnacht
Another interesting war related reference is the
board outside the Madison Square Garden that says Krystalnacht. Or also known
as the “Night of Broken Glass” which many believe was the start of the Nazi’s
brutality and capture of innocent Jews. On that day the property of the Jews
including shops, houses, books, clothes, and more were all destroyed and burned
by the NAZI’s, NAZI followers, and also even fellow Germans. This whole tragedy
okayed by Hitler beforehand. This event like Operation Rolling Thunder both
relate to Ozymandias’ plan of making the world a better place by making some
sacrifices. But, in all cases the overall outcome was and will be not leading
to success. It may temporarily, but not for the long run.
Lovers & Dan and Laurie

(5 Minutes Till Midnight) – Button with Blood & Dr. Manhattan’s Arms

Real Life Relation
One real life relation to this would be a 9/11
conspiracy. After 9/11 people started to be suspicious about George Bush the
president at the time. After the speech he gave to the nation, it sprouted much
controversy as to if he was in fact really behind of this tragedy or knew
something about it a head of time. There are several controversies as to what
actually happened but there’s one in particular that either George Bush had
planned it or knew knowledge of the attack a head of time and chose to do
nothing. Why? To gain exactly what Ozymandias wanted to attain of the world.
Many believe he planned it to bring the country together as a result of fear.
But, his main intentions were a bit different from Adrian Veidt’s. His intentions
were supposedly to use the fear to not only unite them, but also use the fear
to their advantage. As we know governments love big tragedies, as they use the
fear surrounding it to do whatever they please as long as they say it’s for the
supposed safety or the well being of the country. At that time Bush used the
attack as motive to attack Afghanistan, Iraq, and other Middle Eastern
countries for what he says is retaliation and preventing further attacks. But,
his real motive was to get his hands on the oil in those countries. Similarly
to know how they’re using the Boston Bombings to invade the online privacy of
innocent citizens. So, there are several leaders in real life who use fear or a
common enemy to their advantage to do whatever they please.
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