The chapter first starts out with President Nixon and Vice-president Ford arriving on what seems to be a military base. They’re then taken to another complex by helicopter which they head underground. It can also be seen that Nixon has something handcuffed to his hand, which would be presumable nuclear codes. Nixon is briefed on the growing situation in the world and decides to stay at defcon two and wait cautiously.
The chapter then moves towards Rorschach and Night Owl(Daniel Dreiberg) where they are in cognito due to them being wanted. They head to Rorschach’s place to pick up his spare uniform and other belongings. They then encounter Ms.Sharp which Rorschach confronts about her lying to the press about him making sexual advances towards her. But eventually decides to leave her alone.
Then we cut to Adrien Veidt who arrives at one of his retreats in Antarctica. He talks to his associates about some delivery and they inform him that it has been successful. He then watches multiple monitors and claims they would be an inevitable war.
Rorschach and Night Owl then start talking about their investigation and connecting points when Night Owl gets offended by Rorschach calling him lazy and starts to rant at him. Ultimately Rorschach apologizes and call Daniel a good friend. They then decide to head to Happy Harry’s gain some information.
Then we cut back to tales of the black freighter, where the man finally arrives inland. He then finds out that his town, Davidstown, has been overrun and everyone has been slaughtered including his family. He then sees a man and women on horses which he speculates if they collaborated with the pirates being that they are alive. The two then discover the raft. He then proceeds to kill the man with a rock and then strangles the women. He then puts the dead woman on a horse and gets on the other horse and starts riding to confront the pirates.
We head back to Rorschach and Night Owl who arrive at the bar. Rorschach then gives his full attention to this one man and goes back to his old antics. He then gains information that the hit was orchestrated by pyramid deliveries. Daniel then notices a fidgety man and finds out that Hollis Mason was murdered which both saddens and infuriates Daniel. Rorschach and Night Owl then leave the bar with information they aquired.
The two of them then head towards Veidt’s office to talk to him about who tried to assassinate him. In the next scene we come back to the ship that is about to set sail to film a secret movie. But then suddenly it explodes. Rorschach and Night Owl then arrive at Veidts office finding out that Veidt was not there. Night Owl then hacks into the computer and finds out that Veidt was the one behind everything. They then head towards Karnak, Veidts retreat. Due to bad winds in Antarctica archie crashes and both Rorschach and Night Owl decide to ride hover bikes the rest of the way, all the while Adrian Veidt watches them with his surveillance system.
Who was involved?
The main two individuals who were involved were Rorschach and Night Owl. The Chapter was mainly focusing on these two former partners getting back together and trying to solve this investigation, and as you can see in this chapter them working together is extremely efficient. The other person this chapter gives attention to is Ozymandias(Adrian Veidt). Throughout the chapter his role seems to be investigating like Rorschach and Night Owl, but at the end he seems to have his hand in the cookie jar.

Future Events
This chapter creates a lot of speculation for those who read about what next is going to happen. The first thing in this chapter is the President is going in a underground bunker based on increased escalation from the Soviets. This just leads someone to believe that a war is going to happen and is inevitable. Even Night Owl when he is with Rorschach shows extreme concern about a possible world war three which could happen in a week. The next main thing that leads people to predict possible future outcomes from this chapter is a possible confrontation between Rorschach and Night Owl towards Adrien Veidt, especially when he is watching them with surveillance cameras when they’re heading towards him.
Character Analysis
1. The character that I chose is Adrian Veidt, his super hero name is Ozymandiaz.
2. He was not exposed too much so far in the book like other characters, but this chapter is basically about Adrian’s plans for the future and teamwork of Rorschach and Nite Owl.
3. Adrian Veidt’s costume is metallic molded body armor, because his inspiration is Alexander the great. He also wears a purple cape and a headpiece around the back of his head like a warrior. In Egypt, he realized that Alexander the Great was a pale imitation of Ramesses II, then Ramesses became Veidt's new hero.
4. He is known as the smartest man on earth. When he was a child, his parents told him to pass with ordinary marks to hide his super intelligence from the rest of the world.
5. As the smartest man, he was also the best strategist. He debuted in early 1958 by exposing a drug ring in New York City using his smart strategies.
6. Amazing athlete and martial artist.
7. Adrian has the best memory and capacity to absorb information real quick. When he reaches Antarctica, he orders to turn on all the channels together and sits in front of all the TV’s at a time to quickly get updated. His photographic memory helps him to remember all the information simultaneously.
8. Though he was shown as a protagonist throughout the book, soon he will be confronted by Nite Owl and Rorschach as they check his office documents.
9. Though Adrian gave away the inheritance of his parents to charity, but the greediness for more money and total control makes him a changed man.
10. He got bored with the regular cats of this world, so he genetically engineered Bubastis, a bigger female genetically-engineered red and black-striped lynx created as an experiment. This was his sole companion in karnik.
Page Analysis
- Uses parallel action
- Uses a lower camera angle view to highlight the concept
- First image shows current time, and the second image shows Black freighters story.
- The setting of current time is the newspaper stand, and the setting in the Black freighter is when the main character plots to commit the two murders.
- Both of the actions use different colors to demonstrate different things.
- Both actions represent a chaotic environment

Key Themes
Anger- In this chapter this theme is mainly focused on Night Owl. The first instance of this when he shows real emotion is when he finds out that Hollis Mason was murdered and also when showing frustration towards Rorschach.
Fear-This theme is relevant thorough the entire book, but it intensifies through this chapter. there is built up fear of a possible nuclear war. I believe we first realize how serious this is is when the U.S president goes underground for his own protection. With the citizens, there is a understanding of how the situation is escalating and a growing fear of the destruction if the planet. Even the masked adventurers especially Night Owl show extreme concern about a possible war.
Revenge- This theme is mainly towards the main character of tales of the black freighter This could be seen when the man and the women from his town because he simply speculates that they had some involvement in the slaughter of Davidstown His journey doesn't end there but moves forward to simply have his revenge on the pirates. Also this theme could also be seen with Rorschach. When Ms. Sharp said he made sexual advances towards her he felt that he had to avenge his reputation, but again decides to leave her alone.

Rorschach's Mask
In this chapter I believe that Rorschach's mask is an important symbol. His mask symbolizes who he is. Even though Walter Kovac's and Rorschach's identities are identical, I believe that Walter Kovac believes he can't be Rorschach without the mask, and without it he would be seen as someone else.
Main character from tales of the black freighter
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